Kendall Park Learning Center
Social Studies

Middle and Elementary School


    This course introduces students to the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Studies include the locations, place, and interaction with the environment, movement of people and goods, and regions in the countries. Students will learn the individual countries, their customs and cultures.


    This course introduces students to the main events in the history of American continent such as: The Americas to 1500, Europe and America Meet, The Founding of New Societies, American Revolution, The Ambiguous Democracy, Civil War, Waves if Reform, Boom and Bust, The Age of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Leader of the Free World.

High School History

US History I

    This course will study American History from pre-colonial America through reconstruction. Special emphasis is placed on colonial America, westward expansion and the Civil War. This course is taught on a self –motivated, independent study level. Students work on assignments provided by and then graded by the teacher. The course includes chapter reading, research papers, article analysis and tests.

US History II

    This course will cover the Guilded Age (1870) to the end of the Cold War (1991). Special emphasis will be placed on the industrialization of the later 1800’s and the emergence of America as a world power in the 1900’s. This course is taught on self-motivated, independent study level. The course includes chapter readings, research papers, article analysis and tests.

World-European History

    This course’s topics include, but are not limited to, Greek and Roman Civilization, Renaissance and Reformation, English and French Revolutions and Work War I. This course includes chapter reading, research papers, article analysis and tests.

Registration Forms

Interested in enrolling at the Kendall Park Learning Center? Click here to go to the Admissions page, where you can download a variety of registration forms and materials